Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Can I just say how sick and feckin' tired I am of people driving and the commute in general?!?!?
Jebus Cristo, I even drive the opposite way of the main traffic (morning = N -> S, Evening S-> N), and I still cannot seem to break out of the dumb-asshatery that is most Utah drivers. I mean really, does it take that much common fuckin' sense that if you are going slow in the fast lane and someone comes up behind you going much faster that you should get out of the way? I personally wouldn't think so, but then I can use my brain and drive at the same time. This and soooo many other annoyances are driving me out of my car and onto my bike. Yeah, I figure since I shelled out the cash for a new cycle I should get the most out of it. SO, my plan goes something like this: In the morning I will cycle down to the Ball park trax station and ride it down to 100th south, then I can ride my bike over to the Jordan river park system, and then right to my work. Then, coming home, I can just reverse that order. W00T! Ok, so... lets see.. uhm... how much is a trax pass.. Ok, UTA will tell me. uh, click, click, fares, click... FUCK ME SIDEWAYS SALLY! $50! Are you fucking joking me? Sweet Mary, that is about half of my monthly gas allowance.

Lets do some MATH.

Andy sets aside $120 for gas to get him everywhere. (yeah, I drive an SUV.... fuck off.)
so if I half my gas needs to say $60 a month, and then purchase a trax pass for $50... hmm... I save a whopping $10 a month if I Trax it up to work. gee... thanks UTA, you make it so appetizing to want to use trax.

well, I still think I am going to do it. or at least try for a while. Even with the minimal saving, I still would rather deal with UTA than drive through another rush hour.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

New Bike

I got a new bike on Friday, used a chunk of money from my bonus to get it. I did a bit of research before going and I am happy with my choice, I just wish I wasn't hung over today so I could go for a ride. My final decision on the bike came down the trek 6000, it was mid-range price wise and it had all the features I was looking for. So, yeah, I am looking forward to commuting via train/bike. Feck off Oil Barons!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Logical Andy gate

Listening to: Chelsea Hotel By Leonard Cohen

Well, here I am again at the threshold of a new job. Tomorrow is my last day at iBahn, and as I look back on the past year, I have come to a number of conclusions and discoveries.

Numero Uno: Work to live, live to play

With work comes Money and with money comes fun. But, you have to remember to give yourself breaks to get out and enjoy the finer things in life. if you get stuck in a job that doesn't give you much free time you need to analyze if this is really what you want to do. Money is not worth it if you cannot live.

Number Zwei: Never back down to a good challenge.

This is what drives ingenuity and sparks creative thinking. I have been lucky to have been placed into a place where i was challenged on a regular basis, and I think I proven myself under some very stressful conditions.

Number 00000011: Documentation IS important.

I cannot remember how many times I wrote code too late and too sloppy to be readable in the clear light of day. I finally learned how important it is to write at least a few comments on what I have done and where I left off. became very sick of re-writing code because I couldn't figure out just what in the hell I was trying to do. :)

The most important thing I have learned though, is never let a job suck your soul. No money is worth being a slave to a corporation. Freedom is paramount to a successful life.
